
SoftwareCentral supports AD-Deployment instead of the standard collection deployment.

This document describes how to configure and use this feature.


When using AD-Deployment, SoftwareCentral will add resources to AD-Groups instead of collections.


To set up AD-Deployment, go to the Settings interface in SoftwareCentral and browse to “Domain / Active Directory” and enabled the “Use AD-Deployment“-checkbox:


You may also check the “Refresh Collection Membership”-checkbox to let SoftwareCentral refresh the collection membership after a resource has been added to an AD-Group. This will improve the deployment time, but put more stress on the SCCM server.


SoftwareCentral handles AD Deployment automatically. The requirements for this to work is:

-       Each application and package must be deployed to at least one collection with an install action.

-       To achieve uninstall functionality applications and packages must also be deployed to a separate collection with an uninstall action.

-       Each collection must have a query rule which gets its members from an AD-Group.

-       AD-Groups in the query rule must contain the domain followed by a backslash and then the group name.

-       The SoftwareCentral service account must have permissions to add and remove users to and from AD-Groups in the Active Directory.



If there are no query rule on a collection that meets the requirements, a direct membership rule will be created instead.


If there are multiple query rules pointing to multiple AD-Groups, SoftwareCentral will add the target resource to all AD-Groups from the queries.


If multiple query rules point to the same AD-Group, installing / uninstalling a program will cause the resource to be removed from the AD-Group and thereby from other install / uninstall collections.


SoftwareCentral does not support AD-Deployment when importing computers, as new computers does not exist in the Active Directory.

See Also

AD Delegation



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