Basic Settings

The Manage Tools interface shows a list of all your tools in the center of the screen. In the left hand side menu, the “Add new” button, that will add a new tool.


Next to the existing tools is an edit and delete button. You can change the order the tools appears in the menu by dragging them using the "drag"-column.



When you add a new tool, or edit an existing a new window will open: 




In the Name field, specify the name of the tool. The maximum length of the name is 50 characters, as the name will be displayed in the menu.


In the description field you can write a description of the tool. The end users will see this description.


Below the name and description you can select the type.

There are three types for a tool; “Run on Server”, “Run Locally” and "Open URL".

In the next chapters, these types are described.

See Also



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