Configuration of SoftwareCentral

The Remote Control Tool does not need to be deployed to the client computers. It can run directly from a network share.


1.    Create a network share. If you have multiple sites, you can create a share for each site or use the same share for all sites.

2.    Allow all users to access the share with read and execute permission.

3.    Copy the content from the [<SoftwareCentral install dir>\Tools\CmRcViewer\] folder to the newly created share.

4.    Enter the UNC path to the CmRcViewer.exe for the newly created share in [SoftwareCentral / Settings / SCCM / Shares / Remote Control Tool Share Path]. See the figure below:


This is all you need to do. You are now ready to use the Remote Control Tool.

You can access the Remote Control Tool from the Tools menu in SoftwareCentral.




See Also



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