SCCM Folders and Collections

SoftwareCentral needs some defined collections and folders on the SCCM server.


A user folder named “Software Distribution”. This folder will hold collections used for deploying applications to users.

A device folder named “Software Distribution”. This folder will hold collections used for deploying applications to devices, and one more device folder name “Software Distribution Packages”. This folder will hold collections used for deploying packages to devices.


In SoftwareCentral, go to “Settings” and select “SCCM Folders and Collections”:

Press create default structure, this will create the three described folders.

Or you can manually create the three folders or use your existing folders.



SCCM root collection

Set SCCM root device collection:

This is the root collection. In early versions of the SCCM this was known as the “COLLROOT” collection.

Select “All Systems”.


SCCM root user collection

Select the SCCM root user collection.

Select “All Users”.


Package root folder

Select package root folder.

Select the folder created earlier called “Software Distribution Packages”.


Application Distribution Devices

This is the folder where applications install and uninstall device collections will be created.

Select the folder “Software Distribution” created before.


Application Distribution Users

This is the folder where applications install and uninstall user collections will be created.

Select the folder “Software Distribution” created before.




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