Update Service Status

In this interface, it is possible to follow the installation of the patches in an update service on the target collection, and see detailed information about the status.

Interface overview

The interface consists of a list of all the deployment made to target collections in this module, the list is grouped by the update services, and can be expand to see an overview of the deployment.


The list will provide three different counts, the number of patches in the deployment that is required by the client, how many is installed, and how many the patches have failed in the installation.


Detailed information

From the interface it is possible to get more information for each deployment, this is done by clicking the “more” button for the deployment, this will open a new window.


This window provides a graphical representation of the deployment, and will show how many patches is in each status. Patches which status is unknown or patches that is not required is automatically not showed. But can be added to the graph, by clicking on the checkboxes under the graph.

Under the graph is also general information about the deployment, and where it has its affects.


Detailed status information

In the graph, each type of status can be clicked on to get more detailed information of which clients and patches matches the specified status.






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