Deployment Templates

Deployment templates in SoftwareCentral is used to ease the creating of phased deployments in the SCCM. The template contains all the settings needed to create a phased deployment. A template is mandatory when creating phased deployments in SoftwareCentral.

The interface is found under the Settings menu in SoftwareCentral:


The interface contains an overview over all templates, and a possibility to create, edit and delete them. There is also a search bar in the left side of interface where a specific template can be found.


It is possible to delegate access to this interface and its functions, create, edit and delete, via the Security Roles.

Template Overview:

A deployment template in SoftwareCentral consists of a name and two types of settings, that will be described here.


Deployment Settings:

Deployment settings is used to define how SoftwareCentral will create the application deployment for the first phase in a phased deployment.

·         Purpose:

o   Define if the deployment is required or available on the targeted resources.

·         Time based on:

o   Define if the deployment uses the local time on the client or it uses UTC.

·         User Notification:

o   Define how many notifications the user will see in the SCCM Software Center on the client.

·         Overwrite Service Window:

o   Define if the deployment can be executed in the Service Window on the targeted devices or not.

·         Allow Repair:

o   Define if the deployment can repair on the targeted devices.

·         Stop Criteria:

o   Define how many percentages of the target devices that need to fail in executing the deployment before the SCCM will stop and not continue.


Phase Settings:

Phase settings is used to define how each phase of the phased deployment behave, each phase have a designated tab.



Create new template:

To create a new deployment template, the “Add new template” button in the main interface is pressed, and this will open a new window where all the settings of the interface can be defined.

The only mandatory setting of a template is the template name, here a descriptive name of the template is added, so it can be used by other users later when a phased deployment is created in the deployment manager.

Press Save to save the template.


Edit template

To edit an existing deployment template, click the “Edit” button on the row to the corresponding template that needs to be changes, this will open a new window with all the settings the template.

Press Save to save the changes.


Delete template:

To delete a deployment template, click the “Delete” button on the row to the corresponding template that needs to be changes, this will open a new window where deleting must be confirmed.

See Also

Deployment Manager



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