General Settings

SoftwareCentral Update

SoftwareCentral Version

This field lists the version of SoftwareCentral. If the installation is online, it will also tell the latest version of SoftwareCentral available from


SoftwareCentral License

Click on the “Open License Information Window” to open a window where you can enter a new license for SoftwareCentral.


SoftwareCentral Expiration Date

Subscription paid until this date. Your license will automatically be renewed, if not specified otherwise.


SoftwareCentral license warning

Set up a mail address to receive a warning before your SoftwareCentral installation exceeds the number of purchased clients.


SoftwareCentral Update

The Synchronize button will synchronize SoftwareCentral with the central servers at SoftwareCentral Update. The synchronization job runs automatically once a day. A synchronization will send diagnostic data and error messages to SoftwareCentral Update and receive messages and minor updates to the system. No information that can be used to identify the SoftwareCentral installation is parsed on.


The Check for Updates button will check if there are a new version of SoftwareCentral available. It will not automatically update SoftwareCentral.


Allow SoftwareCentral to send error messages to SoftwareCentral Update

This settings will allow SoftwareCentral to send error messages to SoftwareCentral update during a synchronization. No private information will be send.


Allow SoftwareCentral to report diagnostic data to SoftwareCentral Update

This setting will allow SoftwareCentral to send diagnostic data to SoftwareCentral Update. This information can help identify problems with a SoftwareCentral installation from the “Health Check” interface.


Server Configuration

SoftwareCentral Database Settings

From here the connection string to the SoftwareCentral database can be modified.


Central Site Code

This is the Central Administration Site, or Central Site for SCCM 2007, or primary site if it is a single site environment.


SCCM Server

The fully qualified SCCM server name, corresponding to the Central Site Code above. (The server where the SMS Provider is installed)


SCCM Server Username

This field is empty by default.


Use this field if you require a separate account to connect to the SCCM server.

Leave this field empty to use the application pool user.

This account cannot be the same as the application pool user.


This account will also be used if the SCCM server is in an untrusted domain.


SCCM Server Password

The password for the SCCM server user account.


SCCM Database Server Name

The SCCM Central Site database server name.

If the database is running on an instance other than the default, add “\instancename” after the server name.


SCCM Database Name

The SCCM Central Site database name.


SCCM Database Trusted Connection

Tells if there is trust to the database (the application pool user can connect to the database using windows authentication.


SCCM SQL User (Only needed if untrusted)

The SQL User login name. Only needed if there isn’t trust to the database.


SCCM SQL Password (Only needed if untrusted)

The SQL User password. Only needed if there isn’t trust to the database.


SCCM Reporting Server (URL)

The URL to the SCCM reporting server. E.g.: http://[servername]/ReportServer/


SCCM 2012 Only - SCCM Reporting Folder

The reporting folder name, e.g.: ConfigMgr_[SiteCode]


SCCM Report Database Server Name

The SCCM Report database server name.

If the database is running on an instance other than the default, add “\instancename” after the server name.


SCCM Report Database Name

The SCCM Report database name.


SCCM Report Database Trusted Connection

Tells if there is trust to the database (the application pool user can connect to the database using windows authentication.


SCCM Report SQL User (Only needed if untrusted)

The SQL User login name. Only needed if there isn’t trust to the database.


SCCM Report SQL Password (Only needed if untrusted)

The SQL User password. Only needed if there isn’t trust to the database.


Active Directory Administrator Group

The Active Directory group for SoftwareCentral administrators. Members of this group will have unlimited access to SoftwareCentral.


Application Pool Username

The application pool username in the format “domain\username”.


Application Pool Password

The application pool user password. This is required as SoftwareCentral uses this account to run the SoftwareCentral Service.


Application Base URL

The base URL for SoftwareCentral. E.g.: http://softwarecentral/softwarecentral.aspx



For details about Intune Configuration, go to the Intune Configuration chapter.



Clear cached items

This will clear all data stored in the cache. This can be useful if a setting has been manually changed in the database or some object created in the SCCM does not show up in SoftwareCentral immediately.


Restart website

This will restart the site, stop all processes running and disconnect all users. If used during a process is running, it may cause corrupted data.


Update Task Sequence Scripts (For Software Groups)

This will update or recreate the task sequence scripts package used by Software Groups. It can be helpful if the package has been corrupted.


Automatically remove log entries older than (months) (0 = Keep all)

Enter a number of months that log entries should be kept. Use 0 to keep all log entries. A big log of millions of entries or years of data may cause performance issues in SoftwareCentral.


Automatically remove Deployment Jobs older than (months) (0 = Keep all)

Enter a number of months that deployment jobs will be kept in the database. Use 0 to keep all deployment jobs.


Remove Phased Deployments older than (days)

Phased Deployments older than this will be deleted regardless of their state. Old phased deployments must be removed to free up system resources.

The default value is 365 days.


Phased Deployments max phase runtime (days)

The maximum amount of days SoftwareCentral can keep a phase running before it will be marked as failed.

The default value is 30 days.


Analyze shop settings in Software Administration and suggest improvements

If enabled, SoftwareCentral will analyze the settings of your shop each time a user enters the "Software Administration" interface.

If anything can be improved, SoftwareCentral will suggest the user the changes.

This can for instance be to resize large images. When images are resized, a backup of the original images are saved in the "Uploads" folder in the SoftwareCentral installation folder.


Notification shown on startup

Use this field to display a message in the notification popup. This can for instance be a message of planned downtime.

The notification will be shown to all users the first time they start SoftwareCentral one time a day.

If the field is empty, no notification will be shown.

Note that if notifications are disabled or the user has chosen to hide notifications, no notifications will be shown.




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