Manage Software on Multiple Resources

Manage Software on Multiple Resources can be used to add or remove programs from multiple computers in a single operating.

Manage Software on Multiple Resources is located under the Software menu button:


Start be selecting a group of computers:


Click on the "Select Resources" button to apply other filters or select specific resources in the target group:

The "Select Resources" button opens a new window:

Select or deselect the desired computer and click on the "Select 'x' resources" button when done.


Use the search field to find software:



Click on the button to install a program on the selected computers.

Click on the button to remove a program on the selected computers. 



The packages about to be installed and / or removed can be seen in the queue in the right menu. Click on a program in the queue to remove it from the queue:


Click on the schedule button in the right menu to schedule the installation for later:

See Scheduled Deployments for information on how to set a schedule.


Click on the "Apply Changes" button to apply the software changes on the selected resources:



See Also

Deployment Manager

Manage Software on a Single Resource



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