
Package Share: (Required for 'Create Package/Application')

A share for each SCCM site where the packages are stored. This is required for Create Package / Application.


Remote Control Tool Share Path: (CmRcViewer.exe)

The path to the remote control share. All users must have read and execute permissions to this share. The share must contain the files located in the [<SoftwareCentral install dir>\Tools\CmRcViewer\] folder. See the “External Tools Configuration” guide for more details.


OS Share: (required for 'Import Image')

This setting is only available for some installations.



Remote Registry Service is enabled on clients

Enable this setting if the Remote Registry Service is enabled on all clients. This will improve the speed of some functions in SoftwareCentral which would otherwise require WMI.


Manually register SoftwareCentral to a URI Scheme on clients

Enable this setting if SoftwareCentral should not automatically try to register the SoftwareCentral client to clients URI Scheme. See the guide “External Tools Configuration” for more details.


Refresh Machine Policy Delay in seconds

The delay in seconds before SoftwareCentral refreshes the Machine Policy on clients after a deployment. Note that there is an additional delay of 30 seconds which cannot be avoided.


Use SCCM Client Online Status

Use SCCM data for the online indicator in computer management interfaces. This replaces the old method where computers were pinged to determine if they were online or not.

This feature only works with SCCM 1602 or above.


Use live data in Manage Software

Enabling this will allow SoftwareCentral to contact client computers directly to get installation status for software deployments.


Show devices from all sites

Let SoftwareCentral retrieve all devices from all sites, instead of using the site selector.


Use SCCM Client Notifications instead of Refresh Machine Policy

This setting will use the SCCM Client Notifications instead of a manually invoking a policy request on the clients using WMI.

This feature is not fully implemented yet. It is currently supported by Manage Software (single / multiple) and the Deployment Manager.

Note that this will delay installations for up to 10 minutes.


Max number of clients to use SCCM Client Notifications

Only deployments within this threshold will trigger client notifications.

If you set this setting to 1000 clients, deployments of 1001 or more clients will not trigger a client notification.

This can be helpful to avoid many clients installing a program on the same time.


Use SCCM to send Wake on Lan package instead of SoftwareCentral

Send Wake on Lan package using the SCCM. This feature requires SCCM 1810 or above and must be enabled in the SCCM.


Use duplicate hardware settings when importing a computer

Enabling this feature a computer with a MAC-address added to the list of known MAD-addresses will not be marked as a known computer during import, this feature also works in the HTA.

Requires SCCM 1610 or above.


Client accounts

Client accounts are used when SoftwareCentral connects to clients with WMI, for instance when making a "Refresh Machine Policy" or adding users to local groups. By default, this list will be empty or no accounts will be selected. In those cases the application pool user will be used when connecting to clients with WMI.

Accounts can be added to the list from the Password Manager.

When one or more accounts are added, SoftwareCentral will use those accounts, in the order they are listed, to connect to clients. The application pool user will always be included, so it does not need to be added manually. The accounts can be reordered by drag and drop or with the "up" and "down" buttons to the right.

Because SoftwareCentral will try to connect to a client with multiple accounts, the loading time of some functions will be increased by up to 30 seconds pr. account.

Custom tools and actions will still run in the context defined for each tool and action.

It is required that the setting "Remote Registry Service Enabled" is disabled in SoftwareCentral when using the client accounts.

The Application pool user running the SoftwareCentral web site must have the "Act as part of the operating system" privilege set.




Use these check boxes to define what part of an application / package name is displayed in SoftwareCentral as the full name.

Collections and folders in the SCCM will also be named according to this setting.


Install Program Name

The default install program used to identify install advertisements and the install program name given to packages created with SoftwareCentral.


Uninstall Program Name

The default uninstall program used to identify uninstall advertisements and the uninstall program name given to packages created with SoftwareCentral.


Software Group Package Base Variable Name

The base variable name used for packages in software groups. OSD Task Sequences must be configured to read this variable. See the “Task Sequence Configuration” guide for more information.


SCCM 2012 Only - Software Group Application Base Variable Name

The base variable name used for applications in software groups. OSD Task Sequences must be configured to read this variable. See the “Task Sequence Configuration” guide for more information.


Software Group - Continue On Error

Settings for the Continue On Errors flag in the install software task sequences step.


Software Group - Continue On Install Error

Settings for the Continue On Install Errors flag in the install software task sequences step.


Windows App Package Store URL

The URL from where users can browse Windows Store applications in the Application Wizard.


Add username in the application and package description when a new application or package is created

Adds the current users name to the description field of applications and packages.



Update All Systems collection after computer import

If enabled, the All Systems collection will be updated after a computer import. When updating the All Systems collection, the Auxiliary Evaluator will update ALL collections in your SCCM environment. If you have many collections and are experiencing this update to be slow, disable the Update All Systems setting. WARNING: For small environments with only a couple of hundred collections, disabling this will give a noticeable delay when importing computers. It is not recommended to disable this setting and use the 'Aggressive Update Collection Membership' at the same time.


SCCM 2012 Only - Use aggressive Update Collection Membership

This setting will update the collection membership repeatedly until the newly imported computer is a member of the OSD collection.

If you experience a long waiting time before newly imported computers show up in their OSD Collection, enable this setting.


SCCM 2012 Only - Limiting User Collection

The user collection that will be used as the limiting user collection for all user collections created with SoftwareCentral.


SCCM 2012 Only - Limiting Device Collection

The device collection that will be used as the limiting device collection for all device collections created with SoftwareCentral.


SCCM 2012 Only - Create collection memberships on computer site instead of collection site

This setting can only be enabled if there are more than 1 site. This will add collection memberships to the computer site instead of the collection site. This can overcome slow replication between SCCM site databases.


Delete scheduled collections after latest run time (in days)

Scheduled collections are deleted after the last run time plus an additional delay. This is the additional delay in days before the scheduled collection is deleted. Scheduled collections should be saved after the last run time if deployment status messages are required in the Deployment Manager.


Do not create folders for collections belonging to application

If enabled, SoftwareCentral will no longer create a separate folder for each application' device and user collections. Instead all collections will be located under the "Application root folder".


Check for user collections in Manage Software

By default, when selecting a user in Manage Software on a Single Resource, SoftwareCentral does not check for the existence of a user install collection.

If this setting is enabled, SoftwareCentral will perform this check.

Note that this setting will increase the loading time for Manage Software on a Single Resource.


Replace Package - Only use resources belonging to the SoftwareCentral root folders

If enabled, software will only be replaced on resources which via there collection membership belongs to one of the SoftwareCentral root folders.

By default (not enabled) resources from all collections the software is deployed to will be replaced by the newer version.


See Also

Collection Structure



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